On World Book Day, we cannot but share with you a new book, which, in our opinion, is definitely worth reading. The Business Model Navigator: 55 Models That Will Revolutionize Your Business book was written by a team of authors, which included O. Gassman, K. Frankenberger, M. Csik.
One of the fundamental factors of a company's success is the selection of the right business model. Therefore, this book has attracted our attention, in addition, the methodologies proposed in it will become an excellent information base, both for companies that have just begun their journey, and for those who have already reached certain heights, but want to rebuild their business, to move forward.
The team of authors describes the alignment strategy and important stages of the implementation of modern business models, and also warns of possible difficulties that may be encountered in the process. In addition, the book describes 55 business models, on which the principles of work of the most prominent companies of our time were based.
We definitely recommend reading this book, as it is a kind of toolbox: there is nothing superfluous in it, everything is strictly for a reason. After reading The Business Model Navigator: 55 Models That Will Revolutionize Your Business, anyone connected with the business will be able to get rid of myths and false ideas about the business in their minds, as well as adjust or completely restructure their company's work. The book contains extremely informative examples of corporate experience and understandable cases that will help to better understand the work of each specific model.
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